The Only Way to Develop a Reading Habit

Every new year, new month, and a new week, you pledge and set yourself a goal: "Read more books." But: You struggle to achieve your goals. You easily get bored and distracted. Reading feels like a chore to you and you would rather do something else. So, if you are keenly interested to answer your questions like, "How can I make reading, not a chore, and instead enjoy the book? "How to make reading a regular habit?" then, this post is for you. Okay, let's dive in! "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." - Jim Ryun Firstly, As the quote suggests, if you want to develop a reading habit then the first thing that you wanna do is to motivate yourself to read. And, to motivate yourself, you have to know the factors that motivate you. Confused? Okay, let me simplify it for you. Just stay still, think through, and answer this question. "Why is it tha...