3 Incredible Benefits of Reading: It Will Change Your Life for Good

"Does reading ever feel like a chore to you?"

"Do you always feel sleepy and distracted while reading?"

"Would you rather spend your time doing something else like unnecessarily scrolling through your phone ?"


If you said YES, then, you might wanna reconsider.  


You are really missing out on a lot of incredible benefits that might help you to succeed in life. Now, I know that there are hundreds and thousands of posts and articles on the web claiming that reading will make you successful and that it will change your life. I also know that you are thinking, this is again one of those vague articles on reading.

But, No. The benefits that I am about to list down are something that I experienced myself ever since I started reading. 

So, if you are ready, Shall we get into the talking?

1. Improves Vocabulary

I have a lot of friends who read books. When I used to text them or even just chat with them, I noticed that their vocabulary was amazing. I mean, they used to use words that I have never even heard of. To be very honest, sometimes I had to google the meaning to reply to them. 

In a way, I felt so cool about them but mostly I felt embarrassed. And, that is how I got myself into reading.

So, what I usually did or still do is, whenever, I sit down to read books, I also make sure that I have a pen and a separate notebook. The moment I come across any unique words, I search for its meaning and write it down instantly. The next day, I just give a thorough revision to myself.

In this way, reading has really improved my vocabulary and writing skills from average to professional. I could see the difference because English is my second language.

2. New Knowledge and Ideas

"The depth of your mind is limitless. So, why limit your knowledge?"

<span>Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@freegraphictoday?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">AbsolutVision</a> on <a href="/s/photos/ideas?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a></span>
Now, the reason that we go to school or college is to learn something, to gain new ideas and knowledge right? But, is it enough?

Definitely Not. I am a Business student, so most of the time I read self-help books on finance, leadership, and business in general.  Ever since I started reading books aside from my academic sources, I got access to a vast and deeper knowledge and ideas. Not everything that I read in the course books was sufficient. There is so much more to explore and understand.

Every book gives me some knowledge. And, I would say that even the worst books teach you at least something that might not necessarily be applicable right now, but will definitely be useful and helpful in the future. 

3. Varied perceptions

7.8 billion people in the world (as of June 2020), and that means 7.8 billion opinions, values, and perceptions.

Every individual is different and the way each of us perceives life or certain things is different as well. So, reading books in simple terms means, reading someone else's perceptions and values.

Now see, we are social beings and we like our values to be accepted or to be straight, We feel like 

Our opinion, values and perception >>>>>> Other's

So, why bother reading other's values when I know that I'm definitely not gonna accept theirs?

But, here's the thing. 

When you are reading other's work, you become more open and acceptable to what they feel. It will help change one's thought and makes us more empathetic. Rather than just being stuck up with one value, you will be open to varied perceptions and that will help spark creativity and imagination in you. Reading will help you get a better insight into other people and life.

In this way, 

My dear friends, I can tell you through my experience that reading has really changed my life for good. 

Definitely not aggrandizing, you should try it for yourself and feel the difference as well.

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  1. I love reading and always find it mad when people say they don't like reading! I do it to relax and to unwind before bed!

  2. I love reading so much and am always baffled when people say they don't read . I'm a big fan of how you write out words you are unfamiliar with. I may start doing that myself! Great post.


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