Here's How I Win the First Hour of the Day, You Can TOO

"If you win the first hour of the day, you win the day." They said.

But, Why? How?

Now, the first hour refers to literally the first few hours of the 24 hours day timeline. The reason behind winning the first hour of the day varies according to people. But, generally, it is associated with psychological reasons. Our brain is believed to be the most productive, sharpest, and energetic in the morning. That is why what you do and how you spend the first hour of the day really determines your entire day.

Ohh! sounds interesting. But, how can I win the first hour of the day? What are the ways?

I searched up the web. A lot of articles popped up. I went through most of it. I won't say that they were not or are not helpful because they are to some extent. But, I wasn't really satisfied, and to be honest, I anticipated that. 

You know, the problem with most of us is that we try to search for solutions without really understanding the actual cause of the problem. And then we apply those solutions, which is not even relevant to the actual cause, and then end up dissatisfied like me. Isn't it?

So, the first step to every problem, or to be specific, the first step to winning the first hour of the day is to:

"Identify the reasons that are distracting and stopping you from winning the day."

I applied the same principle and thoroughly reflected my morning routine to identify the cause. A few months ago, this is how my morning schedule looked like:

Every night before bed, I used to put my phone under the pillow or on my bedside table. The next morning,  I used to wake up on time, absolutely on time. But, the first thing that I used to do as soon as I wake up was to check my phone. It wasn't even necessary but I was so used to scrolling through my social media feed. It was like a habit. Without me even realizing, I used to spend hours on my phone just like that. I have many instances when I have been late for classes because of it.

So, I figured it out. My major distraction was my phone. Now, I'm not saying that waking up and checking your phone is a bad thing. There are people who are working and are busy, so they have to check their emails and schedules and get ready for the day. That's absolutely fine. But, the problem arises when you spend a single second more unnecessarily scrolling through your phone, at least in the first hour of the day.

Having realized the distraction, I also figured out that for me, winning the first hour of the day meant doing the right things at the right time so that my day progresses smoothly. But, since I was spending my time on my phone, I was messing up with my whole schedule. I was adding an extra hour to the work that I had left behind.

Besides this, it was reported that 80% of smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up. If you fall under 80%, then, don't worry.


Well, now is the time, "To Find Solutions"

Earlier, as I said, I used to put my phone on my bedside table before sleep. But, I started doing things differently. 

Instead of bringing my phone with me in my bedroom every night, I left it in the living room. The next morning, as I opened my eyes, my hands searched for my phone, as usual, but, Uh-huh nowhere to be found.

That way, I left myself with no choice but to wake up.
But,  I used to wake up, go to the living room, grab my phone, sit on the sofa, and again spend hours doing what? Scrolling through my phone. Oh, Poor me.

Of course, trying to change a habit, especially bad habits is difficult. But, the key is to control yourself and continue replacing the bad with the good. After all, at the end of the day, it's for your own sake.

So, some days later, that is nowadays  I wake up and just feel, "Oh, since I'm awake, I would rather just first finish all my work." It took some time but now, I feel like I'm in a better place. I mean, my one decision to get rid of using the phone in the morning spared and allowed me to finish all my work on time.

Besides this, I also practice "Nature and Natural healing" as soon as I wake up. If you do not know what it means, then a few weeks ago, I wrote an article on the ways to be productive. Nature and Natural healing, in my terms, is particularly beneficial and keeps you active and happy for the rest of the day. You should definitely check out the article and I suggest you practice it as well.

Putting it all together,

Rather than just bluntly following what others suggest or do, you should start from reflecting on yourself, from identifying your own problem and then finally finding the solutions to it.

This way, my dear friends, I was able to and I am able to win the first hour of the day.

Now, It is your turn.

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  1. Great post!
    Writing Overload

  2. I was there once! Used to check my phone as soon as I used to open my eyes without even giving it a thought but I knew I had to change it and same as you, I'm in a better place since then.

    1. Yes, after all at the end that’s what really matters. Feeling yourself in a better place. 🌟☺️

  3. I love that there is a greater proliferation of this sort of information. Now its just time to get people to read it! Great job!

  4. Lovely post! Like you I used to always go on my phone in the morning but found it completely sapped up my first few hours of the day. So now I tend to get up and have breakfast straight away where I scroll on my phone but at least I'm out of bed hahaha I also always do my workout in the morning, it helps me prepare for the rest of the day and feel refreshed. Love this post! X

    1. Hahaha! Yup! At least we're out of the bed. Thank you so much for taking your time to read it. I'm glad that you liked it. :)


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