Looking on the Bright Side of Life Amid Coronavirus

Before we do any talking,
I want you to watch this video and just grasp the lyrics in your heart and in your mind.

"Always look on the bright side of life,
Always look on the light side of life."
Oh, c'mon!
What good can we possibly comprehend during this devastating time? You might think.
I admit it. If I weigh the negative and the positive side effects of coronavirus on our economy, on our environment, and in our daily life, I'm sure that the negative outweighs the positive. 
Michael Lewis, an American author, once said:
"There's something bad in everything good and something good in everything bad"

So, the matter is pretty much clear. It's up to you to figure out that something good. 
Do you choose to look at the negatives and live with heartbreak and devastation or look at the positives and live with glory?
It might definitely not be as easy as it sounds. When this whole coronavirus thing started, I was terrified myself. I have my family and close friends living in different parts of the world. I just couldn't keep a sane mind. But, slowly, I started realizing that the more I thought about this situation in a negative manner, the more I was traumatized. 
It was then, that I started pondering the real meaning behind, "Everything happens for a reason."

What could be those reasons? Let's look over it.

Clean and Green Environment

It was day 20 of self-quarantine, I stepped my foot out of the house to buy groceries and other home essentials (Of course, I did take necessary safety measures, in case you're wondering). 
I couldn't believe my eyes. It felt like stepping into a different world. I thought to myself, "Oh, this is what heaven must look like". 
No traffic, no pollution, the once crowded place was empty, the flowers were blooming, the wind that touched my body felt clean, refreshing and pleasant, the smell of the roadways was so satisfying, everything about the environment around me was soothing. For once, I felt alive. 
It was probably because I or we are so used to being in the chaos of the day to day life and the polluted environment, we are unable to see the beauty of our Earth and nature. 
While it's true and extremely heartbreaking for all of us to go through such a difficult time, but then, Our home, Our mother Earth is healing. Hopefully, the end of this outbreak marks the beginning of a more happy, healthy, clean, and beautiful environment and life.

Self- Awareness

As I mentioned earlier, we are adapted to the chaos of the day to day living. We are so busy that we don't have enough time to spend with families or just enough time for ourselves. In this process, we forget, what it really means to be alive, what drives and motivates us to wake up in the morning every day, and what is our purpose in life? 
As I'm still studying, sometimes the assignments and the pressure of the exams becomes unbearable. So, I made up my mind. Since, now I'm staying home all day, I'm gonna live my life to the fullest. My definition of living life to the fullest was, having the freedom to wake up late in the morning, binge-watching Netflix, and just having to do nothing.
It seemed fun for a couple of days, but, later, the same activities bored me and then I had a sudden outburst of realization. 

What am I even doing with my life? What is it that really makes me happy?

I'm assuming you can relate to me in some ways.  

So, I would say that the pandemic and the time I spent home all day gave me an opportunity to thoroughly reflect and work on myself. This blog is a result of it. Now, I'm not saying that it took a global outbreak to self-reflect and gain self-awareness but that's exactly what I'm saying. So, instead of wasting my time living in despair and searching for temporary pleasures, I decided to be productive in order to live a blissful life ahead. That's when I realized that I'm on the road to self-awareness.
In this regard, a few weeks ago, I also wrote an article on the ways that I personally applied to be productive during Quarantine. You can read it right here if you haven't yet.

So now,

Don't you think that it is possible to look on the brighter side of life amid coronavirus? Amid any hardships?

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below.


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