Overcoming Insecurities and Low Self-Esteem

Last night, I was having a conversation with one of my very close friends. While we were on the topic, I told him that I don't feel insecure about myself anymore.

So then, in awe, he asked, 

When was the last time you felt insecure about yourself? And, 

What were the factors that made you insecure?

I replied: 

I don't remember. It must have been a very long time ago.

"You're a very confident lady," he said.

Saying that I don't remember anything about the factors that made me insecure was a lie because I do remember. However, I chose and still choose not to remember them. 

Now, you may ask, how can you pretend to not remember something when you still do?

I know sounds very tricky right. Let me just give you a very practical and easy example. So, do you know the temptation of wanting to eat junks when you're on a hardcore diet? It's the same exact feeling. You struggle to resist the temptation but still somehow for the sake of the hardcore diet and exercise that you are on, you let it go. Don't you?


The more I fed my mind with ill and petty thoughts about myself, the shittier I felt.  The more I tried to be perfect and pleasing to everyone, the more imperfect I felt. The more I compared myself to others, the more judgemental I became. That's when it hit me. So, I decided to,

LET IT GO. I allowed myself to just be who I am instead of trying to fit in the definition of perfect that the society today has fabricated. 

I accepted the fact that I am merely a human, and I do have flaws. That's why, I no longer intend to be perfect, but just Authentic. I no longer intend to be loved by everyone, but just love myself.

Just switching my mindset and attitude helped me transition from having low self-esteem to overcoming my insecurities and developing self-confidence. 

The journey of letting go was definitely not easy for me. It definitely won't be easy for you. But, trust the process. Trust yourself, and love yourself because loving your authentic self is the only way to overcome your insecurities. 


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  1. I've found that my confidence comes from being myself and accepting that I'm just human. Also, I do karate, and that helps too :)

    All the best, Michelle (michellesclutterbox.com)

    1. Awww. I'm glad to hear. Cheers to being our authentic self !!!!


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