Random Acts of Kindness. Be Good, Do Good, Feel Good

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/reneebigelow-2047917/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1197351">reneebigelow</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1197351">Pixabay</a>

When I first started this blog,

I was really excited. My excitement had literally no limits because starting a blog was one of my dreams. So, as soon as I posted my first article, I sent out the link to my friends and everyone that I knew. With excitement and passion, I told them about my blog and requested them to give a look. But, little did I know, I was excited just to feel worthless at the end.

What I mean is all those friends and other people whom I sent out the link read my text but didn't care to reply. More than half of those people didn't even view my article. Now, Was I expecting something from them? Of course, I was. I wasn't necessarily expecting a positive comment on my article, but I was merely hoping for people to give me constructive feedback and to encourage me to continue working hard.

But, to not get any reply from more than half of those people made me feel utterly sad and heartbroken.

All sorts of thoughts like,

"Am I not good enough? Do people hate me? Am I causing annoyance? Is my writing lousy? " etc. etc. occurred to me. I felt worthless, discouraged, and demotivated. And, guess what? I gave up.

I know how petty of me that I couldn't even stay persistent to follow my dream but really, someone's action and words can either make you or break you. For something that I started with such passion and to not get any support from my own friends and close people really broke me apart.

It took me 8 months to finally bottle up the courage and passion to continue my blog again. Now, my blog story is only one of those many many many incidents in my life where I have felt worthless and discouraged by someone's action and words. I would despise those people and tell myself that they are rude and they do not understand my emotions and stuff like that.


I'm not the only one with emotions. Am I?

Slowly, I started realizing that I might have made other people feel the same way. I reflected back on my own actions and reactions. I didn't want to when I first realized it but I have to accept that I have done pretty disappointing things to my friends and closed ones knowingly or unknowingly.

And, that is why now I have finally come to a realization and an understanding of the statement:

"Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you" - Confucius

Now, I practice random acts of kindness, not by force but from my sincere heart. Whenever I'm talking to a person and he/she says something about their likes or dislikes, I try to remember it in my heart. Whenever some random people send me a YouTube link asking me to Subscribe, I make sure to open the link, go through the videos, Subscribe and personally text and congratulate them for their hard work. Whenever my friends are talking about something that I'm not interested in like football, I still listen to them and ask questions and try to understand. I make sure to leave beautiful comments on people's posts that I really like and admire instead of just pretending to not see it. And, I can just go on and on.

But, here's the thing,

If my one word or two of encouragement and kindness can make someone feel happy then Why Not? Why wouldn't I want to be the reason for someone's happiness? And, Why wouldn't "YOU" want to be the reason for someone's happiness?

It's not that hard.

Just some "Random Act of Kindness"

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