Never Give Up: A Key to Succeed in Life

A man running towards his dream
"Never give up. No matter how hard it gets, just stay strong and never give up on life."

I've been hearing this sentence from my family and the people around me ever since I was born. As a child, I never understood the meaning of it so it didn't really matter. But, growing up, when I slowly started to understand life, the hardships, and the commitment to grow in life, I finally grasped the meaning of never giving up. 

I was determined that I will never give up on life.

But, despite that, I stood weak in front of my own determination. No matter how much I tried, somehow I was always ruled out by my emotions rather than my will and determination. It's funny to think of just how easily I gave up at times when I felt defeated or when I saw no ray of hope along my way.

So, I used to think that the whole idea of never giving up on life is a scam. It's not possible like not at all.

But again,

I was proven wrong. I mean, I used to see and meet people who were so vigilant, strong-willed, and persistent. One of them being my Mother. 

I cannot stress enough how much my mom has inspired me to be the person that I am today. But, there's one particular incident that I've never been able to clear it out of my mind and heart. Every time, I feel like giving up again, I get reminded of it.

It's nothing huge but it's definitely something that I wanna share with everyone.


I went to visit my grandparents a year ago. They live in the suburbs and are involved in farming and gardening. There was one particular plant in their house that caught my eye. It was a Money Plant. If you guys do not know yet, then Money Plants are home plants that are said to bring good luck and prosperity.

So, my grandmother allowed me to bring it home. It was doing so well the first few weeks but to my surprise, it started drooping and it wilted. The only thing remaining of it was a single leaf, literally a single leaf. 

I had no hope for the plant to regrow so I asked my mom to just get rid of it so that we can get a new one. But, my mom, as a strong advocate of "Never Give Up" didn't agree. She used to care for the plant-like her other child. I was so confident that it's gonna turn out futile. 


A few weeks later, the leaves were growing back. one leaf turned into two and two into three and now it looks giant. I couldn't believe it and as always I was kind of disappointed in myself for giving up on it so fast.

It's a simple story. It might not even make any sense to you. But, I, as someone who learns from the little things around me took this incident as a lesson.

To put it all together,

At some point in our life, we will come across a situation that will make us feel like the plant that I just mentioned. Withered, wilted, no hope of coming back to life, and just ready to surrender.


A little bit of extra care, faith, hard work, and Never Give Up attitude can change the whole direction, the whole life. 

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  1. What a beautiful story about your plant!!! It's amazing how much you gained from that and how much it changed your attitude. I dont think many of us understand the meaning of not giving up until life forces us to do so but its very powerful when we do. Xxxx

    1. Awww. Thank you so much. Truth be told, it's little things in life that brings change in us. And, Yes. You are absolutely right.


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